Stability Starts Here.

Springboard Community Services provides comprehensive housing support to individuals and families in need. From emergency shelter to long-term housing solutions, we offer compassionate guidance and resources to help clients achieve stability and independence. Our services are tailored to meet diverse needs, ensuring a pathway to safe and sustainable housing.


Housing Navigators assist individuals and families experiencing homelessness with their housing search process, application, and move-in process. Through the Housing Navigator’s research and contacts with property owners and managers, Navigators are able to find and secure permanent housing opportunities. Springboard Community Services is a Navigator Agency.

Rapid Rehousing (RRH)

Rapid Rehousing (RRH) works with Springboard clients to obtain short-term rental assistance and permanent housing. The Rapid Rehousing Case Managers work with clients to ensure that they are able to independently meet and maintain their rent and housing into the future. Contact _____

Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project (YHDP)

The Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP) is part of a US Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) initiative designed to prevent and end youth homelessness. Since the spring of 2021, Springboard has been a part of Baltimore City’s YHDP program. Baltimore City is one of 23 communities selected to participate in the HUD program.

Springboard’s navigators and case managers serve as liaisons between the youth, schools, family members, and community providers to find housing for unstably housed individuals aged 14-24 years old.

Services include:

  • Short Term Financial Assistance (eligible to assist households providing care towards youth who are temporarily residing with relatives, friends, and others who are not their parents or guardians)
  • Conflict Resolution & Mediation
  • Crisis Intervention Services
  • Family Mediation & Reunification (natural or chosen family relationships
  • Case Management and Peer Support Services
  • Counseling and Psychiatry Services Available
  • Navigation and connection to additional community resources to support individualized needs
  • Short Term Financial Assistance with temporary child care, food, transportation.
  • Case management and/or employment support
  • Transportation support
  • Connectivity support (i.e. cell phone)
  • Brief housing support (up to three nights)
  • Navigation and connection to community unity resources to support individualized needs
  • Including referrals for legal assistance, connections to public, subsidized, and private housing options

For more information and to access YHDP services contact:

Stable Housing is Possible.

Reach out to our compassionate team today! Click here or Call 410-669-9000

St. Ambrose

SCS partners with St. Ambrose Housing Aid Center, providing behavioral health services for young adults with a history of homelessness and/or housing instability enrolled in several of their housing programs. 

Restoration Gardens 1 (RG1)

Restoration Gardens 1 is a residential building with 44 apartments that are home to young people ages 18-24 years old who were experiencing homelessness or lacked a stable and safe living environment.

Homes for America is the owner of Restoration Gardens 1 (RG1), LLC which aims to provide housing to transitional aged youth ages 18-24. Springboard Community Service staff member serves as the Resident Service Coordinator and assists young adults on their journey to their independent living. SCS provides supportive case management services to residents of Restoration Gardens on Cottage Avenue in Northwest Baltimore. Springboard involves the tenants in structured community programs, maintains the Restoration Gardens waitlist, assists potential residents with the intake process, and collaborates with property management staff regarding property maintenance and addressing concerns that could jeopardize the young tenant’s housing such as rental arrears and lease violations.

In addition, SCS engages other youth-service organizations to provide on-site life skills to foster mental wellness, conflict resolution, financial literacy, workforce development, education, and setting/achieving long-term goals towards self-sufficiency.

Through Springboard’s work, residents of Restoration Gardens 1 gain access to a broad range of services designed to help re-engage with education, train for jobs, and build a life of their own.

Through Springboard the young adults gain access to supportive services and structured community programs that will aid in their ability to set and achieve long-term success in the areas of housing stability, mental wellness, and self-sufficiency.

Youth pay thirty percent of their income (or a flat rate for those with no income) in rent while they work towards self-sufficiency.

A Trusted Advocate

Springboard Community Services (SCS) is a private, nonprofit agency that has been serving Central Maryland since 1849, and is nationally accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities and licensed as an outpatient mental health organization.

We’re here to help

Fill out this form and we can provide the assistance or resources for you.

Relax, It’s Covered


We provide services regardless of your ability to pay. We accept most commercial insurance plans, as well as Medicare and Medicaid, and offer a sliding scale fee for those without insurance.

Offered at These Locations

Baltimore City

4623 Falls Road
Baltimore, MD 21209

Carroll County

7 Schoolhouse Avenue
Westminster, MD 21157

Harford County

44 East Gordon Street
Bel Air, MD 21014

Howard County

10451 Twin Rivers Road, Suite 100
Columbia, MD 21044

The Youth Training Center

Get the latest on Springboard’s newest Baltimore City project, the Youth Training Center, and learn how we’re empowering young people through job readiness and housing stability.